Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Who is Luna Nueva?

The people who work at Luna Nueva can be likened to the the anatomy of a human body: they are the legs, mind, and heart of Luna. By supporting each other, always innovating a better way, and pouring soul into this beautiful place, it is no wonder that Luna Nueva is so special. There are around 30 full-time workers on the farm and at the lodge, and each one deserves a world of thanks and recognition for their hard work. Now that I have been here for a few months and truly appreciate everyone's contributions, I want to focus on how frickin' cool 3 people that I work the most with are: Iti, Rebeca, and Steven.

Iti. What a woman. You can always tell that she is coming with the tell-tale sound of the golf cart and gravel. It is a running joke among us that we bought the cart before she got here, knowing that it would turn into her personalized transport service. Iti is the hotel manager, and I have never met another person who has perfected the balance between cracking down and lightening up when it comes to efficient management. It is impossible not to like her- with her long, curly main and stylish shoes, Iti is the go-to woman behind a sunny smile. Everything, from reservations to food menus to ant-free rooms, Iti is the goddess of Luna Nueva.

Rebeca. I love Rebeca. She is the assistant hotel manager, and although she is slender, young, and dazzling, do not be fooled by her angelic appearance. There is nothing Rebeca can't do. In a tight situation, her badass demeanor will shine through. Heck- if a city went up in flames, I bet she could evacuate the entire population within minutes. With a hilarious accent (no, "word" and "wart" do not mean the same thing...) and witty comebacks, she adds comedic relief wherever she goes. I will always cherish the memory of Rebeca's efforts during our ant raid. Blasting ants to smithereens with a garden hose, I was glad there were no army recruiters nearby-she would be in charge of the bazooka. Of all Luna Nueva's staff, I know that me and Rebeca will be buddies for years to come.

And now for Steven. Truly a remarkable human being. The humblest man I have ever met, he rarely lets people know that Luna Nueva would not exist if it weren't for him. His title, Farm Manager, does not do justice to his omnipotent importance at Luna. When I first met him, his white beard and kind eyes reminded me of Dr. Burt from Burt's Bees. A farmer and botanist through and through, you could virtually point in any direction on the farm and ask him "What's that?" Likely, you'll get its scientific name, its place of origin, and an intriguing tidbit on its unique codependency with the rainforest. Steven has a lived a life no less fascinating than Paul McCartny and has succeeded in embodying the change that he wants to see in this world: saving the beauty of our natural resources through conservation, education, and pure admiration.

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