The bugs in the rainforest have it out for me too. Yesterday, I thought it'd be cool to go visit my favorite tree on the farm by myself. This tree is in the middle of primary rainforest (trees that have never been cut down/deforested) and has giant, and I mean huge, vines stretching up to the life-giving sun above. Some of these vines can easily be as thick as my torso. What is the coolest thing about this grandfather tree (Jacaranda copaia) is that in all of its vastness, what really drew me in were the small ferns, electric mushrooms, and bromeliads that had taken up residency around the tree's base. Gorgeous. I decided to be true to my Californian roots and give the tree a hippy hug. But the damn bugs sabotaged my moment of zen! Something zoomed into my hair and started making a highpitched clicking noise. Fearing the worst (some sort of Bob Marley festation) I let out a yelp and madly batted at my head. At that moment, another creepy-crawly flew down my shirt and bit me on my chest. Now I have never been a pansy around bugs, but who knows what kind of eggs and deadly bacteria these jungle bugs could be planting in me? I made a made dash for the forest exit, swiping at my head the whole time.
I feel so lame as I write this- 2 little bugs kicked me out of the rainforest. I am going to need to hone in on my masculine side or something. Here's a wild rainforest statistic to depart on:
Every second, 1 acre of rainforest around the world gets cut down. That means by the time I end this sentence ten acres of rainforest will have been cleared....
Hasta luego
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